Being a “Rat” (born in 1984, nothing to do with your feelings towards me!) in a “Rabbit Year” I was predicted to have a stressful year (at times yes!), see fruits from my labor in 2010 (yes!), experience loss of wealth (yes, student loans kicked in and the 401(k) is down), experience emotional instability as well as single “Rats” should keep a clear head and avoid being taken (yes and yes), guard against energy loss and regulate my mood (I promise I tried), avoid sleepless nights (there were a few) and finally avoid cold food (come on, I’m a “Rat.” I eat whatever I can!)
“Rat” business aside, 2011 was a year of growth through experiences for me. For possibly only the second period in my life I often found myself looking in the mirror and asking, “What’s going on? What is the plan?” I had a few of those “kick you in the chest” lessons I learned the hard way this year! However, this ol’ farm boy from Indiana (or sometimes a self proclaimed Texan) made it through the valleys to find the peaks. Looking back at 2011 I’d say this “Rat” did an O.K. job! Let me take a moment to share some of the truths I found in 2011…
Love Can Hurt, Time Marches On, God is Good, & Life Is Not All That Bad
I lost a very dear friend of mine (no, she didn’t pass away). Through a series of decisions I made in the year prior I had to face the music of a deteriorating relationship with a girl I love and at times it was a sour tune for me. There were a lot of things I didn’t understand at the time and probably more importantly a lot of decisions I made thinking only of myself. Some call it acting in a selfish manner while others would call it pursing your dreams, regardless of your stance and if for nothing else I am thankful for the experience as it rekindled my Faith and relationship with Christ. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, spoke about human beings often saying prayers as a last resort, at the time I certainly fell under this category. However, as sure as the night falls and the sun rises in the morning I was blessed beyond believe as I fell into extremely good companionship with my friends at the City of Grace Church and the young adult movement called Vertigo. Thank you to the individuals involved in my regeneration!
The Private Club Industry Is Unparalleled
Work often challenged me to my core this year. Often times I questioned whether this was the right career path for me. I am thankful that through the turbulent winds the spark remained lit thanks to the individuals in my Mastermind Group, industry friends and probably most importantly my mentors guiding me through the tough times by showing me the way when my light was dim. Long hours with very demanding clients often caused me to, at the very least, scratch my head. Yet through it all I continually persevered, as “Rats” typically do. Even though on those twelve plus hour days where nothing seemed to go right I swore I would one day walk away from the Private Club Industry I kept coming back for more and will continue to do so for quite some time to come (or at least until I win the lottery).
Write It Down
I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with you what I consider to be the most invaluable lesson I learned in 2011, the power of written words. I was stronger than ever this year with journaling which has truly enabled growth for me this year. After rereading my journals I came to the conclusion that 2011 was somewhat of a turbulent whirlwind for me and without my journal it would’ve been tough to recollect the lessons learned. If you’re laughing at me for journaling or if you currently do not keep a journal I strongly encourage you to take a moment to follow this link to Jim Rohn’s, “America’s Foremost Business Philosopher,” website: How to Use a Journal by Jim Rohn. If Mr. Rohn can’t explain to you the importance of a journal then I invite you to share your books with me so I can learn from you!
“The power of written goals” came to fruition in a very big way this year for me. In June I told the P10 Mastermind Group (A Private Club Industry Mastermind Group) a goal I had declared the day prior which was to raise $10,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project through the Soldier Ride event being held in Phoenix, AZ. Every day for three months I reread and continually worked towards achieving my goal. Often times I wondered if I’d set the goal just beyond my reach. Through perseverance, reviewing and reworking my strategies, prayer, good luck, and very possibly just having compassionate individuals in my life I was able to eventually accomplish my goal. The amazing aspect about this journey was not only did I (I use the word “I” extremely loosely as I know it was 100% a team effort) raise the money, but I was able to exceed the $10,000 goal eventually raising a total of $28,360! Regardless of the final amount I raised the journey reinforced “the power of written goals” as well as gave me the joy to give to such a worthy cause. I encourage you to write down your goals for 2012. The results you experience will far exceed your expectations, of course only with the right amount of planning and persistence!
It Gets Lonely At The Top
One of the first things my mentor said to me when I first moved to Scottsdale in 2010 was, “It’s been my experience as you grow intellectually and begin to climb the mountain of success you’ll begin to notice there are fewer and fewer people around you.” He couldn’t have been any more correct. As we climb the mountain of success we experience changes in altitudes. (Success can be defined as differently as there are colors in the rainbow) These altitudes are constituted of various aspects but I noticed the changes in my own life as I disassociated myself with certain individuals, took on new challenges, changed lifestyle habits, began reading different books and looked to different individuals for help and advice.
“Success lies in the opposite direction of the normal pull.” – Jim Rohn.
Whether you believe a word I’ve said thus far on this topic there is one common truth we can agree on pertaining to climbing mountains, the temperature drops and it does get colder as you climb in elevation! I’ll close this topic with one more Jim Rohn quote to help you keep climbing the mountain of success! (yes I know I’ve quoted him several times already, but I’m on a “Rohn High.”) “Average people look for ways of getting away with it; successful people look for ways of getting on with it!”
Be Thankful
Whether it was the “kick in the chest” lessons I learned or my mentors giving me life enhancing advice or maybe even a co-worker telling me I forgot to pull up the zipper on my pants as I exited the restroom, I should always be and find ways to be: thankful. I have a never ending list of items I am thankful for to include but not limited to family, friends, a job, a vehicle with no heater but will still move forward when I put it in drive. Generally speaking I’m thankful for the opportunities to live the life I do! To enjoy the freedoms we were born into as Americans and not be thankful should be a crime. Every day I count my blessings and say thanks to the men and woman of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Need help finding things to be thankful for? Speak to someone that’s been deployed in the recent conflicts overseas or speak to the families who have lost of loved one overseas. I know we all have our challenges but at the end of the day, life is not all that bad eh? (For my Canadian friends, eh?) So I say “thank you” to the individuals whom have made an impact on me in 2011, regardless of negative or positive.
In 2011 people have come and gone from my life which has been no different than years past, however certain individuals have earned a spot which I hope will last my lifetime. In 2011 I experienced most emotions known to man. In 2011 I learned lessons I should’ve learned in grade school as well as lessons far beyond my years. In 2011 I saw many friends and visited many places. In 2011 I was successful! So what does 2012 the year of the “Black Water Dragon” have for this “Rat?” Well the wise Chinese Astrologers predict a reasonably happy and relaxed year mixed with a decreased social life due to a chance in love while experiencing challenging decisions needing to be made quickly resulting in professional advancements. What does this “Rat” think about the Chinese Astrologer’s predictions for 2012?
Bring it on!
Golden blog, brother Kyle - keep journaling and keep climbing. I hope to see you on the journey :)
ReplyDeleteLEAD ON!!!
Fantastic post Kyle from an amazing young man! As a MONKEY, the Chinese zodiac claims 2012 "will bring the tranquilly and serenity in your life so that you can fix the mistakes of past year calmly." We'll see what happens for me and at your suggestion, I think I will start writing it down... Be good and hope to see you soon! Thanks for the additions to my quote collection. -Kim Pasquale