2011 has been a very interesting year for me. As I began reflecting over the past twelve months my immediate thought was to label this year the best one yet, but it’ll have to wait as I’m still undecided. A few days prior to writing this article I was browsing the internet when I stumbled upon a subject that caught my interest. According to Chinese Astrology 2011 was the year of the rabbit. I imagine your first thoughts are, “Ok, Kyle you are not Chinese, where is the connection?” Indeed you are right, I am not Chinese. There is, however, after reading into Chinese Astrology some interesting predictions that came true for my 2011.
Being a “Rat” (born in 1984, nothing to do with your feelings towards me!) in a “Rabbit Year” I was predicted to have a stressful year (at times yes!), see fruits from my labor in 2010 (yes!), experience loss of wealth (yes, student loans kicked in and the 401(k) is down), experience emotional instability as well as single “Rats” should keep a clear head and avoid being taken (yes and yes), guard against energy loss and regulate my mood (I promise I tried), avoid sleepless nights (there were a few) and finally avoid cold food (come on, I’m a “Rat.” I eat whatever I can!)
“Rat” business aside, 2011 was a year of growth through experiences for me. For possibly only the second period in my life I often found myself looking in the mirror and asking, “What’s going on? What is the plan?” I had a few of those “kick you in the chest” lessons I learned the hard way this year! However, this ol’ farm boy from Indiana (or sometimes a self proclaimed Texan) made it through the valleys to find the peaks. Looking back at 2011 I’d say this “Rat” did an O.K. job! Let me take a moment to share some of the truths I found in 2011…